Thursday, September 6, 2007


So...I know I am not supposed to start a sentence with so, but who cares! So...I got up early this morning to do yoga at home before work. This is something that I battle with constantly. The battle is that I want to do everyday and I DON'T! I was inspired by reading an article that told me I wasn't alone in this struggle. :-) I LOVE yoga- think it really is the coolest practice and way of life. It has almost become my religion (yes, yes...I still believe in God).

Although I love it, I am human and I do have a hard time "fitting things in" like we all do. Sometimes when the alarm goes off, an extra 30-60 minutes of sleep seems much more enticing than taking myself through a yoga routine- alone, stiff, and with Carlton listening to 50 Cent in the shower in the next room! :-) I even worry about lighting candles to set the mood bc I am so groggy that I fear I might forget to blow then out before I leave for work. But, this article I read basically was encouraging you to DO yoga in whatever form it takes at home... to not be so hard on yourself to have the perfect ambiance, music, emotions,etc. That was what I needed to hear! I went to sleep after reading that article and awoke with excitement to get up and let whatever was about to unfold on my mat unfold.

After a brief 30 minute practice- I was feeling great and grateful! I am so happy to have the health and knowledge to be able to get up and take myself through a very invigorating and positive routine before I head off to sit in a cube all day long. It makes me feel so appreciative of all of my gifts in life.

Sometimes it is so easy to groan when the alarm goes off and say "nooooo...not another day at wooorrrrkkk!" Especailly for me since I don't particularly love my job. As I wrote in my last post- it is all about perspective! My morning of yoga and a little less sleep set a positive and grateful tone for my whole day. Now, as I sit here 6 minutes from leaveing to go to the gym, of course a part of me wants to go home and cuddle with my hubby before he goes to work, but instead I am going to focus on the fact that I am healthy and agile and have a really great leg workout in front of me. If I go home, I won't feel as strong and focused as I will if I do my workout first. Off I go to do squats,walking lunges and leg extensions, oh my!

1 comment:

allie said...

Funny, I was feeling stronger this morning after my choice to have just one chocolate chip cookie with my diet coke for breakfast! I wish I had a quarter of the motivation that you have! Good job gettin up and choosing yoga over the snooze! You've always impressed me by going to the gym after work so religiously. Keep it up girlfriend! Maybe you'll rub off on me one day!